July 21st, 1866
The Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll met on Monday last in obedience to the call of the President of the late Board. The following members were present; Isham Beard, Ward No. 1; John J. Wilson, Ward No. 5; Henry M. Shaw, Ward No. 6; and William M. Pugh, Ward No. 7. Wards No. 2, 3, and 4 were unrepresented.
The Board organized by electing Henry M. Shaw President, John L. Cheatham Clerk, James W. Draughon, Treasurer, Field F. Montgomery, Esq., Parish Attorney, Wm. W. Collins Parish Tax Collector, and the Carroll Record the official journal of the Parish. (more of story)
(Floyd, Carroll Parish, July 09, 1866)
In pursuance of an order of his honor, E. D. Hannegan, President of the Police Jury in and for said parish and State, ordering a special term of said body, and the various members having been duly notified, the following gentlemen recently elected as members of said body, appeared at the Court House, in the town of Floyd, on this 9th day of July , 1866, A. D.
I. B. Beard, from Ward No. 1, John J. Willson, Ward No. 5; H. M. Shaw, Ward No. 6; W. T. S. Pugh, Ward No. 7.
There being a quorum present, the Board was called to order after taking the oath of office, and on motion of Mr. Beard and seconded, the Police Jury went into an election form President. Henry M. Shaw was nominated, and there being no opposition , he was declared unanimously elected President of the Police Jury.
The members of the Police Jury then drew for long and short terms: H. M. Shaw drew a short term, J. J. Willson a short term, and Messrs. Beard and Pugh both drew long terms.
Two petitions were presented and read signed by the citizens of Ward No. 7, in regard to the establishing of a public ferry at Delhi, which were ordered to be laid on the table.
The Police Jury then adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
The Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment; present as on last evening.
Be it ordained by the Police Jury, that hereafter the School Districts and the lines and bounds thereof in and for the parish of Carroll, be and are hereby established to be the same as the Police Jury Wards in and for said parish; District Number 1 to be bound the same as Ward Number 1, and the other districts to be bound the same as the other Wards; and that the following gentlemen be and they are hereby appointed School Directors in and for said parish, to wit; District No. 1, Henry Goodrich, William Craig, and Mark Valentine, Sr.; District 2, S. P. Bernard, G. W. McCarrell, and Ed. F. Newman; District No. 3, William Coleman, Aaron Goza, and Will S. Owen; District No. 4, F. D. Galloway, Samuel Templeton, and S. L. Chambliss; District No. 5, J. W. Bell, P. W. Longmire, and J. A. Mercer; District No. 6, William Keller, J. W. Dunn, and E. D. Hannegan; District No. 7, D. M. Pugh, H. W. McLemore, and Warren M. Scott.
Be it ordained, that D. S. Travis, W. M. Scott, Robert Reed, W. Tarbutton, and Robert Hennington be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to review and mark out a road, commencing on Bayou Macon at our near Robert Reed's and terminating at the Delhi road at the nearest and best point, and make a report of the same at the next meeting of the Police Jury.
Be it ordained, that G. M. Brumby, John Bishop, Oliver Heffner, and W. Tarbutton be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to confer with commissioners to be appointed by the Police Jury of Madison Parish, to review and mark out a road leading from Delhi to Bayou Macon to intersect a road leading from Colonel N. D. Coleman's to Bayou Macon on the nearest and best route, and report at the next meeting of the Police Jury.
Be it ordained, that C. A. DeFrance, E. J. Delony, and W. G. Wyly be and they are hereby appointed a Board of Examiners in and for the Parish of Carroll, whose duty it shall be to examine all applicants for situations as teachers of public schools in and for said parish, n pursuance of sec. 17, school laws of Louisiana, passed March 15, 1855.
Be it ordained, that W. C. Jackson be and he is hereby employed to construct on the road from Goodrich's Landing to Jackson's Ferry good and substantial log bridges over Joe's Bayou and Tensas out of overcut oak or other timber or logs that will not float off by water (permanent log bridges), and that Charles Atkins, J. W. Montgomery, and W. G. Wyly be appointed commissioners to examine, inspect and receive the said bridges when completed, and that said commissioners be and are hereby authorized to certify the value of said service and fix the amount thereof, provided the total price does not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars, and that upon the presentation of said certificate to the President of the Police Jury that a parish warrant issue to the amount specified in said certificate to said Jackson.
Be it ordained, that the license on all retail liquor houses or houses that retail liquor by the drink be one hundred dollars per annum, and all former laws regarding the same on the aforesaid houses be and the same are hereby repealed.
Be it ordained, that J. W. Draughon, Ezekiel Graves, and F. F. Montgomery be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to let out and superintend the repairing of the Court House and Jail in the town of Floyd. That upon their certificate that the same has been completed according to contract, that the President of the Police Jury issue a warrant for the payment of the same.
Be it ordained, that E. D. Hannegan, J. W. Draughon, and F. F. Montgomery be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to have a good plank fence erected around the Court House Square, in the town of Floyd, with three gates, one in the center of each side except the north side, and that said gates be built so as to latch themselves, the posts of said fence to be good and durable timber. That they let out the contract for building the same to the lowest bidder, and when said work is completed the said commissioners, if they receive the same, shall be and are hereby authorized to pay for the same by a warrant drawn by them in favor of the contractor on the Parish Treasurer (E. R. Kent), and report the result of their acts at the next meeting of the Police Jury.
Be it ordained, that the Parish Treasurer (E. R. Kent) be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to pay the warrant of said commissioners out of any money n the parish Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Be it further ordained, that said commissioners at the same time let out to the lowest bidder the stopping of the washing of the ditches bounding the Court House Square with the old Clerk and Recorder's offices and earth necessary to stop the washing aforesaid, and that the same be paid for as aforesaid.
The Police Jury then went into an election for parish Tax Collector, whereupon W. W. Collins was suggested, and there being no opposition, he was declared duly elected.
The Carroll Record was duly elected as the official paper of the parish.
Be it ordained, that hereafter the parish Tax Collector (W. W. Collins) be allowed five cents on all monies collected by him as parish dues. All ordinances in conflict with the foregoing be and are hereby repealed.
Be it ordained, that the Sheriff (W. W. Collins) of the Parish of Carroll be allowed three hundred dollars per annum for all of his services to be rendered to the parish as ex officio services and for his services in criminal matters, and four hundred dollars per annum for as jailor.
Be it further ordained, that the (J. L. Cheatham) Clerk of the District Court of Carroll Parish be allowed two hundred dollars per annum for all his services rendered the parish, including his fees in criminal matters.
Be it further ordained, that hereafter the Parish Printer be allowed four hundred dollars per annum. And all ordinances or parts of ordinances on conflict with the foregoing be and the same is hereby repealed.
E. R. Kent, Parish Treasurer, presented his account and report, which was examined and found correct, and on motion and seconded, the Parish Recorder is authorized to cancel his official bond as such.
The Police Jury then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole upon Claims, when the following claims were allowed and ordered to be paid, to wit:
A. G. Lane, Sheriff, $552.75
William Fields, for furniture, $16.00
G. W. Spurlin, locks $40.00
W. J. Williamson, witness (criminal pros.), $6.50
J. A. Bennett, witness (criminal pros.), $6.50
Elijah Evans, jury claim, $4.00
J. M. Stafford, $10.00
J. L. Cheatham, record books, etc., $53.85
J. W. Dunn, furniture, $20.00
J. W. Draughon, record books, etc., $55.00
L. P. Lawton, coroner inquest, $15.00
W. W. Collins, Sheriff, $181.25
E. J. Delony, (criminal pros.), $10.00
G. M. Langford, Jailor, $199.50
W. T. C. Anderson, Sheriff, $130.00
Doctor J. S. Herring, post mortem, $15.00
Estimate of the probable expenses of the parish of Carroll for the year 1866: To be paid Assessor for making out rolls, $125.; to be paid Recorder for extending rolls, $125.; to be paid Clerk Police Jury, $300.; to be paid Parish Printer, $400.; to be paid Sheriff ex officio services, etc., $300.; to be paid Jailor, $400.; to be paid Clerk of Court, $200.; to be paid members of Police Jury, $600.; to be paid grand and petit juries, $2000.; to be paid justices and constables (criminal pros.), $500.; to be paid witness (criminal pros.), $1000.; to be paid for fuel and stationary for the courts. $100.; to be paid for record books for offices, $600.; to be paid for public buildings, square, etc. $1000. Total $9,700.
Be it ordained by the Police Jury, that the foregoing be and the same is hereby fixed as an estimate of the probable expenses of the parish of Carroll for the current year. (To be continued in next week's issue.)
MELON-CHOLY.--Mr. J. K. Holly writes us that a few days ago he measured a watermelon raised on Doctor Weston's place, which was twenty-five inches in length by twenty-eight in circumference, and weighed 30 lbs. He wants to know who can beat it. So do we, and wouldn't object to testing the quality also.
Hon. E. D. Farrar, Judge Thirteenth District Court.
W. J. Duncan, District Attorney.
Hon. H. R. Lott, State Senator
Hon. F. F. Montgomery, Representative.
H. M. Shaw, President Police Jury.
J. L. Cheatham, Clerk Dist. Court
T. D. McCandlass, Recorder.
W. W. Collins, Sheriff and Parish Tax Collector.
C. A. Hedrick, Assessor.
G. M. Langford, Coroner.
F. F. Montgomery, Parish Attorney.
J. W. Draughon, Parish Treasurer.
July 28, 1866
Tuesday Morning, July 10, 1866
The election of Parish Prison Physician was gone into, whereupon Dr. John S. Herring was nominated, and there being no opposition he was declared unanimously elected.
The election of Parish Attorney was gone into, whereupon G. W. Daugharty, E. J. Deloney and F. F. Montgomery wee put in nomination, and upon receiving an counting the votes it was ascertained that G. W. Daugharty received one vote, E. J. Delony one, and F. F. Montgomery two votes, therefore F. F. Montgomery was declared duly elected.
The communication of Mrs. M. C. Lane in regard to the ferry across Bayou Macon on the Ashton Road, was laid over.
Be it ordained by the police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that James Mercer, Samuel Coleman, and David R. Herrin, of Ward No. 5, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to let out to the lowest bidder, after public advertisement in three public places in said Ward, the bridge on the Arkansas road, known as the "Coleman Bridge" requiring bond and security for the faithful performance of their contract, and after the same is completed and received by them, to draft on the President of the Police Jury, who is hereby authorized to issue a warrant for the payment of the same.
Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that Ephraim R. Kent, George W. Spurlin, and Levi C. Massengill, of Ward No. 6, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to let out to the lowest and best bidder, after public advertisement in three public place in said Ward, the bridge on the Arkansas road leading via Floyd known as the "Millikin Bridge", requiring bond and security for faithful performance of the contract, and after the same is completed and received by them, to draft on the President of the Police Jury, who will be authorized to issue a warrant for the same. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that John W. Eppes, William T. Stewart, and Samuel Templeton be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to act as commissioners of elections at the town of Monticello and the Monticello precinct in and for the Ward No. 4, and conduct all elections at said precinct this year.
State of Louisiana, Parish of Carroll.--A vacancy in representation form Ward No. 4 being suggested, it is hereby ordered that an election be held according to law, at the town of Monticello, in said Ward, on Wednesday, 25th day of July, 1866, to fill the vacancy of representation of said Ward No. 4 in the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll. It is also ordered that an election be held at the same time and place for Justice of the Peace and Constable for said Ward. Read an signed in open session of Police Jury this 10th July, 1866. H. M. Shaw - President Police Jury.
The Police Jury then adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday Morning, July 11, 1866
Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment. Present as on yesterday.
(more of story - Story takes up where names are mentioned)
Ward No., 1 -- Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that A. C. Rhoton be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the parish line up to G. R. Newman's upper line, and to control for road purposes the hands on the W. H. Harris place, William Henderson's place, and G. R. Newman's place for road purposes.
That James Irwin be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from G. R. Newman's upper line, to Mrs. M. Galloway's lower line, and to control for road purposes the hands on the Bell place and the Rolla place.
That C. M. McCleod be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from Mrs. Galloway's lower line to Goodrich's Store; and to control for road purposes the hands on Mrs. Savage's place and the hands on the Galloway place.
That James Thompson be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from Goodrich's Store to Tensas Bayou, and to control for road purposes the hands on the Doctor Davis' place otherwise appropriated.
That Charles McAllister be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the north side of the "Outpost Plantation" south to the parish line, and to control for road purposes the hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That James Thompson be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the "Stamboul Plantation" to the lower line of the Benjamin place to control for road purposes the hands near said road not otherwise appropriated.
That David Hall be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the Benjamin place to the upper line of Ward No. 1, and to control for road purposes the hands nears said road not otherwise appropriated.
Ward No., 2 -- Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that J. L. Chambliss be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road beginning at Corbin's ferry, on Bayou Macon, and terminating at the head of Hood's Lane, on Lake Providence, and to control for road purposes the hands on the Bosworth old places, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
No., 5 -- Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that G. W. Shillings be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the State road from Rashee's ferry to the intersection of the turnpike road, and to control for road purposes the following hands: J. N. Williamson, Thomas Knight, Albert Williamson, W. A. Russell, John Raven, J. McGaughey, Benjamin Blackman, and sons, and all others near said road not otherwise appropriated.
That T. J. Henry be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the State Road from Green's Schoolhouse, and to control for road purposes the following hands: W. F. Benner (Bonner?), K. Robertson, ----- Meeks, Everson Fair, all the hands of J. W. Bell, Ernest Trumper, and all the hands on the Seller's place, William Mangum, John Green, W. B. Wilson and son, and all others not otherwise appropriated.
That W. J. Corley be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the State Road from Green's Schoolhouse to Lane's Ferry, and to control for road purposes the following hands: Henry R. Johnson, and all the hands of the Benton place, F. Bronson, T. N. Pully, and all the hands on the Settoon's place, Marshall Dixon, and hands at T. B. Reneau's place, and all others not otherwise appropriated.
That Joseph Furguson be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the turnpike to Oak Grove, and to control for road purposes the following hands: A. A. Lester, W. W. Bradley, George Bradley, and hands of Mr. Hutchinson, A. J. Lester, M. N. Skinner, J. R. Coyle, C. A. Lehman, Charley Coyle, John Ridings, William Shorock, (Shrock?) Thomas Bains, John Crow, A. Humphreys, Robert Hurley, S. Phares, and hands, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That Andrew Jackson be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Arkansas Road from Oak Grove to the Coleman bridge, and to control for road purposes the following hands: Rueben Rice, Mr. Stuart, John Tillery, F. Ross, D. Herrin, and hands, West Herrin, Mr. Counts, James Houston, and hands, E. W. Farrier, and hands, at Mr. Shaw's, P. W. S. Longmire, and hands, S. A. Gould, Eugene Davis and hands, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That Thomas Griffith be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Macedonia and Ashton Road from Boeuff River to the Five Points, and to control all the hands northwest of Tiger Bayou not otherwise appropriated to some other road.
That John D. Herrin be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Boeuff River and Tiger Bayou Road from Hash's Ferry to the Coleman bridge, and to control for road purposes the following hands: J. A. Bennett, J. B. Drake, Willis Hootsell, James Furguson, F. Hash, W. J. Williamson, R. Bardwell, George Ravan, Mr. Linesely (Lindsey?), Mr. Cooper, Thomas Woods, Sam Hurley, McHerly, R. Rorax, John S. Talley's hands, William Cook, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That William J. Kilbourne be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the road from Mrs. Harvey's gin-house through by the Gayden place to the State line, and all others not otherwise appropriated.
Ward No., 6 -- Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that W. H. Corbin be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the turnpike road from the hills to the Bayou Mason, and to control his own hands for road purposes.
That H. R. Wade be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Arkansas Road from the Ward Line up to the intersection of the Floyd Road west of H. R. Lott's, and control for road purposes the following road hands; W. B. Hardison, and Z. T. Hardison, and hands, James Noland, James Rollins, B. F. Sorrells, William Dickerson, and hands. Albert Lusk and hands, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That G. W. Spurlin be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Arkansas Road from intersection of the Floyd road west of H. R. Lott's to Spurlin's shop, and control for road purposes the following hands; G. W. Clark, Perry Keller, Mrs. Morris's hands, those on the Walcott's old place, his own, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That John M. Bullen be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Arkansas Road from Spurlin's shop to the Ward line at Turnpike Road, and to control for road purposes the following hands: West McWilliams, and hands, W. J. Bragg, R. S. Gerald, John Tharp, Nat Buller, and hands, L. E. Eddins, and hands, John A. Sanderson, and hands, all the hands on the Carraway place, Mrs. McCandless' hands, Mr. Samuel Aron, William Keller's hands, H. J. Bullock, T. M. Mann and hands, Mr. Ward, his own hands, and others which may be situated near said road not other wise appropriated.
That T. J. Maben be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Arkansas Road from Jackson's ferry to Floyd, and control for road purposes the following hands; Wade Jackson, James McCain, Robert McCain's hand, (if he has any), B. J. Kiger's hands, C. T. Motley's hands, William Motley, J. W. Montgomery's hands, Vail Montgomery's hands, Mr. Matthews, T. F. Montgomery, and his own hands, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That E. D. Hannegan be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the road from road from the corporation of Floyd to John W. Hays’ tan-yard, and to control for road purposes the following hands; H. R. Lott's hands, Daniel Whitaker, James Whitaker, and hands, W. W. Collin's hands, U. C. Ward's hands, Joseph Dempsey, J. L. Cawthon, and all hands at the Steam Mill, Daniel Sherman, James McKee, and Arch. McKee, George Guier, and hands, John W. Hays, and hands, H. D. Briggs, and his own hands, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That John McIntyre be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the road from Colewa to John W. Hays, and to control for road purpose the following hands; J. L. McBride and hands, James Cummins, and hands, the two McIntyres, and hands, Ed Oliver, and hands, Mrs. Archey's hands, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That Alfred J. Cook, Sr. be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the from D. J. Montgomery's up to Colewa, and to use D. J. Montgomery and hands. A. J. Cook, Jr., Mr. Davidson, and all others adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That Moses Looney be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Pine Creek from road, commencing at the Arkansas Road, near the Phelan's old field, and terminating at Mrs. Boyce's, and control for road purposes the following hands; Frank Looney, Simeon Looney, W. A. Page, and hands, J. A. Young and hands, E. O. Ross, and hands, W. J. P. Vinson, and hands, T. Brock, H. Childs, James Boyce, John Hannegan, and Matt Hannegan, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That Green J. Underwood be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Pine Creek from road, commencing at the Spurlin's shop and terminating at Captain Dunn's shop in Floyd, and control for road purposes the following hands; Draughon, Langford's hands and Willson's place, W. D. Davis and hands, Eugene Gillers, Mrs. Hawkins, hands, Peter LaWeiss, and J. S. Crow and William Crow, Thomas Hays, and sons, John Asrons, his own hands, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That E. R. Kent be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the road commencing at Hurricane Creek and terminating at the Arkansas road just above Spurlin's, and control for road purposes the following hands; L. C. Massingill, and hands, Hamilton McWilliams, and hands, William McWilliams, all the hands at "Hendersonville," his own hands, and any others said not otherwise appropriated
That F. C. Cheatham be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the turnpike road from the front of the hills west to D. G. Bullen's and to control for road purposes the following hands; Simeon Jackson, J. H. Chesney, Mr. Lea, James McPhail, G. S. Dorsey, and hands, all the hands on the "Hargrove place", D. G. Bullen, and his own, and any others said not otherwise appropriated.
That George M. Langford be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the streets and roads in the town of Floyd, and to control Wright & Gingery's hands, W. T. C. Anderson, and hands, J. W. Dunn, and hands, and all others in or about the town of Floyd subject to such duty. And that W. T. C. Anderson, J. W. Draughon, and J. W. Dunn be and they are hereby appointed commissioners of roads and streets is said town of Floyd, whose duty it shall be to lay out the work most needed to be done, and under whose supervision and direction said G. M. Langford shall have said work done.
Ward No., 7 -- Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Carroll, that J. J. Slade be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Delhi and Arkansas road from the Monroe road to Blount's place, and to control for road purposes his own hands.
That J. D. Holley be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Delhi and Arkansas road from Blount place to Cypress Bayou, and control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That L. J. Land be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Delhi and Arkansas road from the Cypress Bayou up to the Ward line, and to control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated. That U. E. Travis be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Delhi and Arkansas road from Purvis's own to the parish line, and control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That Charles Carpenter be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Monroe road from the Floyd and Delhi road to Little Creek, and control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That James Gwinn be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Monroe road from Little Creek to the parish line, and control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That J. A. Leggitt be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the road from Lester ferry to Little Creek, and control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
That J. R. Kelly be and he is hereby appointed overseer on the Monroe road from Little Creek to Owen's ferry, on Boeuff River, and to control for road purposes the following hands adjacent to said road not otherwise appropriated.
Be it ordained, that James S. Millikin be and he is hereby appointed beneficiary student from this parish to the State Military Seminary of Learning at Alexandria.
Be it ordained by the Police Jury, that the ferry across Bayou Macon, known as Corbin's ferry, which was moved down near the Loftin place, and leased to R. S. A. McIntyre, be and the same is hereby removed back and re-established at the Corbin place, to take effect when said McIntyre's lease expires.
Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the parish of Carroll, that there shall hereafter be annually collected by the parish tax collector the sum of twenty-five dollars upon every stallion or stable horse in this parish, which shall receive any compensation from any other purpose than for the use of the owner, and who shall receive any compensation from any other person for the use of the same as a stock breeder; and on failure of any such owner to pay said tax, then the same to be collected before any justice of the peace of this parish.
The Police Jury then adjourned the 11th day of July, A. D. 1866
Attest; J. L. Cheatham, Clerk Police Jury.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
1892 Term; 8th District Court
From the Carroll Banner Newspaper, Oct. 24, 1891
List of jurors drawn for the special criminal term of the Hon. 8th Ditrict Court.,
List of jurors drawn for the special criminal term of the Hon. 8th Ditrict Court.,
to be held in the parish of E. Carroll,
commeding on Moday the 7th day of December, 1891.
~For the 1st Week.~
Albert Johnson, E. W. Constant, Osee Wolf, J. J. Ross, Green White,
~For the 1st Week.~
Albert Johnson, E. W. Constant, Osee Wolf, J. J. Ross, Green White,
C. Langham, Joe Venable, J. G. Pittman, P. B. Wood, H. L. Newcomb,
William Crutchfield, F. B. Davis, Zach Hopkins, C. M. Whittington,
James Harris, Sr., W. A. Newman, Ruben Turner, Robert Gilliard,
Ned Edwards, Cyrus Meadow, J. G. Oldfield,
Jake Sweeny, Robert Davis, Sr., Shed Buckner,
Les Howard, Joe Galgen, Dan Pope, Nat Murfee, G. A. Barham,
William Hurd, Richard Pete, Ed Messenger, John W. Cooke,
Morgan Cornelius, John Hamilton, Jr., Elijah Hawkins, H. C. McGuire,
Zeke Reynolds, George Hill, Wesley Bankers, Preston Roberts,
George W. Buckner, P. D. Quays, Hole Pichard, Sanders Ford,
John Adams, Jr., R. H. Hamlin, Pete Hubbard, Gentry Jones,
and Z. Goldenburg.
~For the 2nd Week.~
Mr. DuBard, A. Burger, Henry Lee, John Q. Hamilton,
~For the 2nd Week.~
Mr. DuBard, A. Burger, Henry Lee, John Q. Hamilton,
William Murchison, Henry Franklin, William Rose, J. P. Alexander,
Scott Sargent, J. W. Pittman, Henry Louis, Jerry Mitchell,
Walker Mathews, T. J. Saunders, Henry Kroninger, Nance Williams,
Vincent Garagro, Andrews Chambers, Spencer Lee, Israel King,
Henry Page, S. H Mobberly, Willis Bell, C. P. Harrison, Frank Tyson,
Jerry James, Johnson Whiting, George S. Owen,
C. P. Ruple, and Dick Davis.
~For the 3rd Week.~
Robert Petf, Dan Bankers, Chris Duffy, Hugh Rowell, Jim Humphreys,
~For the 3rd Week.~
Robert Petf, Dan Bankers, Chris Duffy, Hugh Rowell, Jim Humphreys,
J. C. Pittman, Dion Stewart, Taylor Bates, Ed King, Archie White,
Frank Wallace, Heskiah Young, T. L. VanFossen, J. R. Keller,
C. F. Davis, Mat King, L. Aschaffenburg, George Carter,
Alex Holbert, Clay Anderson, Peyton Bryant, Buck Prentis, Tom Anderson,
W. B. Smith, Walter Goodwin, Charles Atkins, E. J. Delony, Jr.,
James Johnson, John Blansfield, and Ed Cordilius.
A true extract from the original process verbal of jury drawing on file to my office, in the town of Providence, this the 15th day of October, 1891. J. D. Tompkins, Clerk of said Court.
A true extract from the original process verbal of jury drawing on file to my office, in the town of Providence, this the 15th day of October, 1891. J. D. Tompkins, Clerk of said Court.