The big river is booming now.
It (water) is up against the levees almost everywhere.
The Monticello box is the banner McEnery box of the parish, giving our man 55 solid ballots.
There are over 2,600 voters in the parish, only 1,396 voted last Tuesday.
Mr. Jim Shelton came up last Wednesday with the returns from the Monticello box. Everybody was glad to see Jim again, and we wish he could stay with us.
Mr. Dan O’Sullivan is now representing the Ice Company. He has been securing orders in Mississippi this week, and so far has done admirably well.
Mr. C. P. Malone and daughter, and Mrs. S. W. Davis have moved into town. Mrs. Davis and Miss Daisy are at Mrs. Goodrich’s on Levee Street, where they will remain for a week or ten days when they expect to go North.
Rev. William Hart left in the early part of the week for New Orleans to attend the meeting of the Annual Council of the Episcopal Church. The Reverend gentleman told us before leaving that it was doubtful whether the would return or not. We have heard a general hope expressed that he would return.

In this issue appears the medical card of Drs. Artaud and Richard. Dr. Richard is a graduate of the Touro Infirmary, and Tulane University, of New Orleans. He was employed in the Guenard Drug Store last year, and all who met him can testify to the many excellent traits he possesses. He came up last Saturday to take charge of the practice of Dr. Artaud during his confinement; but, upon arriving here the Doctor decided to retain him permanently with him. We take pleasure in the introducing the young M. D. to the people of the community and of the parish, besides giving him a cordial welcome among us. After taking a thorough course in the Tulane University, he was then appointed Resident Student of the Turo Infirmary.
Here he had every opportunity to master his profession, and he comes among us thoroughly prepared to engage in practice. The Banner congratulates Dr. Richard upon his distinctions he has already won, and hopes he will be successful in the practice of his profession all through life.
Here he had every opportunity to master his profession, and he comes among us thoroughly prepared to engage in practice. The Banner congratulates Dr. Richard upon his distinctions he has already won, and hopes he will be successful in the practice of his profession all through life.
Mrs. Finney, of Tennessee, sister of the late John D. Imboden, is here on business.