Saturday, May 28, 2016

AUGUST 26-31, 1864, Goodrich s Landing

AUGUST 26-31, 1864. Skirmish near Bayou Tensas (26th) and expedition
from Goodrich s Landing to Bayou Macon, La. (28th-31st).
No. 1. Report of Col. A. Watson Webber, 51st U. S. Colored Troops.
No. 2. Report of Maj. Charles Chappin, Third U. S. Colored Cavalry.
Report of Col. A. Watson Webber, Fifty-first U. S. Colored Troops.
Goodrichs’Landing, La., September 1, 1864.
COLONEL: On the morning of August 20 a party of 200 guerrillas made a raid upon the plantations about this place which are leased by Tibbetts & Co. They killed two scouts after they had surrendered;  carried away one white overseer, and a young man by the name of Webster, clerk for the same firm; both the overseer and Mr. Webster were murdered by them as soon as they reached Bayou Tensas. Cavalry was immediately sent in pursuit, but did not overtake them. These highwaymen are commanded by a man named Lee, and although they are guerrillas, and commit the most abominable atrocities, they are permitted to remain near, and co-operate with the regular rebel forces under General Harrison, lie is really responsible for all their acts. As the people on Bayou Macon have many times petitioned Harrison to allow this Lee to remain near them, as their protector, I sent 230 mounted men under Maj. C. H. Chapin, Third U. S. Colored Cavalry, to pay them a retaliatory visit. He accomplished all that I desired, and returned to this post yesterday. I forward herewith a copy of his report to me. I hold a certain Doctor Richardson as a hostage for young Webster in accordance with General Orders, No. 4, dated headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, November 5, 1863. In accordance with General Orders, No. 6, headquarters District of Vicksburg, May 12, 1864, I intend to seize all the movable and valuable property of secessionists living on Old River thirty miles above this post.
Trusting that my action in this matter meets the approval of the major-general commanding,
I have the honor to be, colonel, your very obedient servant,
A. WATSON WEBBER,  Colonel Fifty-Jirst Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry, Comdg.
Lieut. Col. H. C. RODUERS,
Assistant Adjutant- General, Hdqrs. JJ-intrict of Vicksburg.
Itinerary of the Post and Defenses of Goodrich’s Landing, La., commanded by Col. A. Watson Webber, Fifty-first U. S. Colored Infantry*

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