Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Firemen's Ball

L. P. Sponsors Cecilian Concert

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mrs. Blackburn & The Family Cow & General Grant

In the early morning twilight the very gracious and determined Mrs. Blackburn asked to speak to the Commandant and she was ushered into his tent. She told him of her & her neighbors troubles with the activities of his Federal troops and how much the cow meant to her to providing for her family. General Grant was very courteous and listened to her then excused himself and then left his tent. He went to where a big fire had been started and preparations made for the slaughtering of Mrs. Blackburn’s cow and he ordered his troops not to forage her place again. Grant apologized to her and had a soldier to escort her home and the cow returned to the pasture in the woods.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cicero & Columbus Allen, the Confederate Twins

The Faithful Servant
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Union Regiments Seized Lake Providence; Regiments Stationed at Carroll Parish

On May 1, 1862 New Orleans was occupied by the Federal Forces. Cotton bales all along the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to L.P. were being seized and burned by the order of Governor Thomas O. Moore.
While in an attempt to take Vicksburg in June of 1862, Union forces occupied a portion of Madison Parish opposite Vicksburg for over a month. Swamp fever, extreme heat, and stomach disorders drove them to Baton Rouge.
In trying to capture and control Vicksburg, General Grant sent General William T. Sherman to Milliken’s Bend, December 25, 1862, with 30,000 troops. The naval convoy slipped past Providence the night before. (An alert telegrapher named I. I. Daniel, stationed at Point Lookout south of Providence had seen the convoy… see “The Carroll Telegraph” on this website). Sherman stormed the bluffs north of Vicksburg but sustained heavy losses and returned to Milliken’s Bend.
General A. J. Smith had debarked at Milliken’s Bend early Christmas morning surprising the Confederate outpost there. The Southerners fled inland evading capture. Captain Harper’s company hid in the swamp. Union troops cut telegraph and rail lines, a small detachment went on to Delhi burning bridges and the depot there. Reference: Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”
“There were raiders from west of the Bayou Boeuf going to the aid of their neighbors on the Big River, according to Frederick Williamson’s "History of N. E. La.". In the "Monette Diary" we find this notation “Aug. 29, 1862, Captain John McKoin and his Rangers left for Lake Providence today to help the people drive out the raiders.” Reference: Florence Stewarts McKoin’s book “Between the Rivers”

On January 29, 1863 General Grant arrived in Young’s Point, Louisiana. His project was to dig a series of canals to connect to the Miss. River .
Some Carroll and Madison residents refugeed to Texas.
Grant organized his army into 4 corps:
General Sherman and his 13th Corps’ attempt so that troops and supplies could be sent safely below the guns of Vicksburg, was abandoned when a flood ruined the canal and almost drown Sherman’s men.
Up river at Ashton (just below the AR line where the Macon River came within three miles of the Miss.) McPherson decided to cut the levee so the flood waters would make a natural passage for the gunboats to the Macon River. The countryside overflowed by never reached deep enough to be used.

General James B. McPherson’s Corps, headed by Colonel G. W. Dietzler, [picture at right] chose to dig acanal from the Miss into Lake Providence by way of Baxter Bayou. Colonel Duff, the Engineer Brigade, reported “…plan involves the destruction of the town (now nearly deserted), we do not consider this a matter of sufficient importance to interfere with the accomplishment of the object in view.” Dietzler round up 100 slaves (Negroes that owners had sent to the Macon hills to avoid capture) that he moved to Delta work on the canal there. By March 15 Baxter Bayou was cleared and dredged, the next day Negro laborers cut two 30 ft. trenches 30 feet apart and flooded the town of Lake Providence and the lake. Union troops were moved to Berry’s Landing 5 miles north.
On March 31, 1863 small steamboats could navigate through Baxter Bayou and into Bayou Macon.
On February 5, 1863, Grant headquartered at Arlington Plantation while he inspected the work at Lake Providence. (Arlington was the home of General Edward Sparrow) Grant ordered other Federal troops in to help on the canals. Federal troops numbered 20,000.
General McPherson established his headquarters on Oakland Plantation on Feb. 24, 1863. (The plantation had been deserted by Dr. Matthew B. Sellers)
13th Corp.; Colonel G. W. Dietzler
17th Corp. (arrived Feb. 24, 1863)
3rd Division; General John L. Logan
6th Division; General John McArthur
Bissell’s Engineering Brigade
32nd Ohio Regiment
Dr. Alfred Brundage was with this reg.;
(see Letter of Alfred Brundage)
Reference: Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”
On March 9, 1863 Grant round up all the Negro slaves on the plantation and set them to work picking the cotton on the abandoned farms. Northern cotton speculators had swarmed into Providence signing contracts with McPherson agreeing to pick, gin, and bale cotton for ½ share. Paying the Negro laborers $1 per hundred pounds, and feeding & clothing them. (This continued under the supervision of the Freedman’s Bureau during the Reconstruction). Also General McPherson established a training camp at Goodrich’s Landing (lower part of the parish) for the Negro men in the Union Army. Reference: Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”
A few planters signed and allegiance to the United States that brought a rift among neighbors. There were those willing to lose everything for the cause of the South and felt bitter toward any neighbor signing such an oath. These unfortunates were often sought out by the guerrillas and murdered, one such was Graham Benjamin whose father built Homestead Plantation located south of Lake Providence. Reference: Florence Stewart McKoin’s book “Between the Rivers”
When General McPherson left General Hugh T. Reid was left in command of one of the Union soldier regiments. His force was posted along the river at 3 places; (1) Bass Plantation south of L. P., (2) Two companies at the Wilton Plantation, and (3) 5 companies stationed at Camp Butler in Providence were the 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry, 1 company of the 16th Wisconsin & 1 company of the 8th Louisiana (African descent).
West of the Macon the 13th Battalian, La. Malitian “Partisan Rangers, headquartered in Delhi and commanded by Colonel Frank A. Bartlett.
The 13th Louisiana, Co. E., was commanded by Captain W. C. Corbin and stationed at Floyd, with Co., C. posted at Caledonia and commander was Captain John McKoin.
May 2, Saturday night, Captain Matt Johnson and a small force crossed the Macon near Caledonia, burned the cotton gin and made off with about twenty Negroes, raiding a Federal-leased plantation near Ashton.
May 10, General Hugh T. Reid sent Major William Y. Roberts retaliated sending about 200 mounted infantry. Union troops the small Confederate force posted in a brick kiln & Negro quarters near Caledonia. Defenders retreated to Pin Hook (Oak Grove).
Major Roberts divided his troops in 2 columns. The column sent marching along Bayou Macon Road was ambushed by Captain W. H. Corbin near Lane’s Ferry, re-grouping the Federals went to Pin Hook where the Confederates refused to budge. There were few casualties and the Union force went back to Providence.
June (early)., A large Confederate offensive along the Miss. River at the Federal Outposts was made. A force of Texas troops, commanded by General J. G. Walker attacked Milliken’s Bend (upper Madison Parish), but retreated when Union gun boats were in the river.
June 9, At Floyd Colonel Frank Bartlett’s 13th La Regiment and the 13th Texas Infantry (about 900 men) set out for Lake Providence to destroy the Negro training camp and the plantations held by leasees & Federal agents as far down as Milliken’s Bend. Bartlett going around the lake meeting 2 companies of the 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry near Baxter Bayou. The Confederates captured 9 army wagons loaded with supplies and 36 mules. Bartlett moved on to Bayou Tensas, where he found the bridge burned by the retreating enemy. Bartlett was driven back to Floyd. 300 Negro soldiers of the 8th La. Volunteers (many former slaves of Carroll), helped with the Union victory at Bayou Tensas.
June 22, General Walker left Delhi to go to Goodrich’s Landing along the east side of the Macon River, breaking up the Northern possessed and disloyal Southerner’s plantations along the way.
June 29, Walker reached Mounds Plantation (about 10 miles south of L. P.) A fort had been set up atop the largest Indian mound. Negro troops fortified the fort. Three white officers surrendered without a fight to the Confederates. 113 men of 2 companies of the 1st Arkansas were taken prisoners.
After July 5, all along the river General Walker set fire to homes, slave quarters, and cotton gins leaving nothing for the enemy. Colonel Frank Bartlett’s Partisan Rangers were the only Confederate force left in the area.
After the fall of Vicksburg the west side of the Miss. River remained isolated for the remainder of the war. The only troops left garrisoned at Carroll was the Negro troops posted at Providence and the other at Goodrich’s Landing.
August 9, Captain John McNeil and 70 mounted Partisans attempted to capture Providence by the Federal gunboat “Mound City‘s” shells drove them off.
Union soldiers were sent of Goodrich’s Landing to disperse the rebels with raids carried out against Floyd and Monticello but Lee and Bartlett easily evaded the Union forces in the swamps. Reference: Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”
“RIFT AMONG NEIGHBORS: From Winters History of “The Civil War in Louisiana” pages 197 - 198, May, 1863, I have taken these excerpts pertaining to the raids made west of the Macon: “Military action at Lake Providence centered around the Bayou Macon area. Nine companies of the 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry and a hundred men from the 16th Wisconsin, led by Major William Y. Roberts, crossed over the Macon to Caledonia on the morning of May 10th. The Confederates posted in a brick kiln, in heavy timber, and in Negro Quarters, were outnumbered five to one. They were driven from their positions and fled towards the hills of Pin Hook (Oak Grove) nine miles away.
“Major Roberts divided his men into two columns, planning to encircle the Confederates. The Federal column moving along the banks of Bayou Macon was ambushed near Lane’s Ferry by Captain W. H. Corbin and was temporarily routed. The column re-formed and rejoined the other column, however, and the entire Federal force moved toward Pin Hook. Captain Corbin’s small Confederate Force was joined by troops from Delhi and by a detachment at Floyd which had been guarding the court house there. Colonel Frank A. Bartlett assumed command of these forces, which numbered about 250 men. The Confederates took cover in log cabins and behind trees and easily repelled the first attack on the Pin Hook position. Rallying, the Kansas and Wisconsin troops made another half-hearted attack. The action of May 10, 1863, ended with the disorderly retreat of the Superior Federal forces back to Lake Providence, losses were light on both sides.”
This was the first attack on Oak Grove, and Emmanuel Braswell said that the Masons on both sides in the battle recognized each other and stopped fighting.” Reference: Florence McKoin’s book “Between the Rivers”
“RIFT AMONG NEIGHBORS: From Winters History, page 302 - “Crossing the Macon on August 24, 1863, the Federal troops, a Brigade of the 6th Division of the 17th Army, and three batteries of artillery, plus a battalion of cavalry, embarked from Vicksburg on an expedition to Monroe. After debarking at Goodrich‘s Landing, Stevenson moved toward Bayou Macon, skirmishing lightly with Confederate forces.” Reference: Florence McKoin’s book “Between the Rivers”
May 29, After sporadic raids of Lee along the river, the Federal post at Providence was dismantled and companies of Negro soldiers, under the command of Colonel A. Watson Webber, went to Goodrich’s Landing post.
June, Lee and Bartlett raided below L. P. seizing mules, horses, and Negroes on Union leased plantations.
Aug 26, Captain Lee and 200 guerrillas raided plantations south of Transylvania leased by Hiram B. Tebbetts, killing 4 white men and several colored people. In retaliation Webber took Doctor Richardson as hostage for the return of a clerk named Webster, who had been kidnapped by Lee. The Federal force, 230 mounted Negroes under the command of Major C. H. Chapin, 3rd U. S. Colored Cavalry, destroyed a few loyalists property, crossing into Pin Hook and Floyd burning those villages and killing 12 Confederate partisans in the process. Lee offered no resistance to Chapin, and the Union force returned to Goodrich’s Landing. Reference: Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”
“RIFT AMONG NEIGHBORS: I found this account in Winter’s History, page 393 - “On August 26, 1864, Captain Joseph C. Lee, a Confederate, of the Missouri Guerrillas, with two hundred of his guerrillas, with 200 of his guerrillas, made a costly raid on the plantation leased by the H. B. Tibbett & Company in the area below Lake Providence. Colonel A. Watson Webber, of the 51st Regiment, U. S. Colored Infantry, Commander of the Federal Post at Goodrich’s Landing, sent an expedition of 230 mounted Negro troops, under Major C. Chapin, to drive Lee from the region.
Chapin crossed Bayou Macon to the west on August 30, and continuing down the Macon, several plantations were raided and houses burned. Arriving at the village of Pin Hook (Oak Grove, La.) Chapin left only one house standing. Several Confederate soldiers were encountered near Floyd and shot down. A few minutes had stripped the place of all valuable goods and had set fire to four fifths of the town. Most of the residents along the Macon were left destitute.”
From “Between the Rivers”, by Florence McKoin
“A Mr. Phillips brought this terrifying news to Colonel Templeton one day, The Yankee vandals had conduct at those villages. About 200 Corps D’Afrique, officered by five or six white men, came out and laid the two villages low, Floyd and Pin Hook, in ashes, not allowing the people to save any of their possessions from their homes. They were very rough and insulting to the ladies, tearing pockets from their dress , rings from their fingers, cursing done in revenge for a guerrilla raid a few days before, in which a good many government stores were destroyed and 80 to 90 Negroes brought out.” From “Brokenburn” the Kate Stone Journal
Major Chapin’s raid brought the close to most of the military action in Carroll Parish, although Lee’s guerillas remained in the area until after the war. The Confederates resigned themselves to defeat. Bands of draft-dodgers and deserters, known as jayhawkers, moved into the area and menaced everyone.
It was to a ravaged and bitter land that the weary veterans returned from the eastern battle fields. Maimed and scarred they came -- Thomas Scarborough, Charles Purdy, Ed Kleinpeter, and John Draughon; Charles DeFrance, C. R. Egelly, E. J. Delony, and J. S. Richards, Cyrus Hedrick, W. R. C. Lyons, J. D. Lott, and Mark Valentine, Jr., among others. The refugees returned from Texas; their desire - to build their lives and fortunes in peace. From the north came the paroled prisoners of war, including W. F. Pennington, John O’Brien, Abraham Bass, and V. M. Purdy.
Sons of Carroll lay buried from Virginia to Baton Rouge. Franc Whicher, Nathan Trotter, George Sanderson, George Burrus, D. D. Kilcrease, B. A. Sanford, W. H. Farrar, and young Wesley McGuirt-these were but a few of the casualties. Georgia Pinkston’s book “A Place to Remember”.
Thanks, Sandy Schimtz Moore morechev@ipa.net
Union/Confederate Soldiers That Died of Disease or Killed in Carroll Parish
Bechtel, Sergeant John died at Lake Providence, La., March 21, 1863
Contributed by Joanne Scobee Morgan morgans4@swbell.net
Beck, Paul, 68th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A.
Rank Private, Date of Enlistment, July 26, 1862, died June 6, 1862, Lake Providence, Louisiana.
With General Grant forces.
William Beck wnbeck@verizon.net
Cooper, George D.O'Hare, James died on the 13th of July, Oauakee Rifles, from "Ozaukee County's War History” by Daniel E. McGinley as extracted from THE PORT WASHINGTON STAR August 22, 1896 Chapter 9 Kansans Killed in Civil War & Indian Battle's Page 4, by Dennis Segelquist .
Dilworth, George M. Oaukee Rifles Company H.First Lieutenant, George M. Dilworth, no enlistment date mustered on March 31, 1863, killed in action at Pin Hook La. He's on the rosters as being from Leavenworth Kansas.
Gatfield, Israel died at Lake Providence on July 19th; from "Ozaukee County's War History” by Daniel E. McGinley as extracted from THE PORT WASHINGTON STAR August 22, 1896 Chapter 9 Kansans Killed in Civil War & Indian Battle's Page 4, by Dennis Segelquist .
Hottna, Henry died there on August 5th. From "Ozaukee County's War History” by Daniel E. McGinley as extracted from THE PORT WASHINGTON STAR August 22, 1896 Chapter 9 Kansans Killed in Civil War & Indian Battle's Page 4, by Dennis Segelquist .
Parker, William F., Company K. Corporal, enlisted on May 31, 1861, mustered on same day. Died June 17, 1863, from wounds received at Baxter's Bayou La., on June 9, 1863. He's on the rosters as being from Atchison Kansas.

Swan, Alonzo C. Swan. Rank: private. Age: 21. Occupation: farmer. Marital status: single. Died of disease at Lake Providence, April 19, 1863, of the 95th Infantry, Illinois
[picture of Alonzo C. Swan at right]
Noonow, John - 1st KS Inf- Co.B- Kansas City, Jackson Co.- DOE 05-28-61- Pvt.- No age or nativity given- Died of disease at Lake Providence, LA on 06-23-63 "Missouri Men Who Served in Kansas Civil War Regiments" (book)
O'Conner, James- 1st KS Inf- Co.B- Kansas City, Jackson Co.- DOE 05-28-61- Pvt.- No age or nativity given- Died of disease at L. P., LA on 06-23-63
Parkinson, William M., d. 1863 (MSS93) Union soldier and miller, was born ca. 1840, and died in July 1863, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, of typhoid fever he contracted. 11th Illinois Infantry, Company C. He drilled the company in the area of Lake Providence and Milliken's Bend, Louisiana.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
John Millikin Is Now Considered Earliests of the Settlers
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Earliest Settler That I Have Found

Monday, July 6, 2009
Those Who Returned - Those Who Did Not
A Confederate Carroll (Parish), in Louisiana
During the first months of 1861, military companies were formed throughout Louisiana, including the Lake Providence Cadets, the largest in the state with 120 members. Among those serving in the ranks were Matt Kingsley, James Bass, and J. Jamison. Elected as officers in the company were Franc V. Whicher, Captain; W. F. Pennington, First Lieutenant; and D. C. Jenkins, Jr. and C. R. Purdy, Second Lieutenants. From the southern part of the parish came the Monticello Rifles, in which W. D. Hardeman, W. C. Corbin, and C. A. Hedrick served, under the command of Captain John S. Richards.
With the capture of Fort Sumter by Confederate forces on April 14, 1861, war became a reality. The companies of Carroll were ordered to New Orleans for final training, and during the month of May, they were formally inducted into the Confederate States Army for twelve months service. The 2nd Louisiana Infantry, Co. G [Floyd Guards] and the 14th Louisiana Infantry, Co. I [Carroll Guards] were ordered to Virginia, where they served under General Robert E. Lee. The 3rd Louisiana Infantry, Co. H [Monticello Rifles] were ordered to Arkansas. The 4th Louisiana Infantry [Lake Providence Cadets] were stationed near New Orleans. In August, 1862, the Cadets participated in the Confederate attack on Baton Rouge.
As the war escalated in scope and intensity, the Confederate government requested more recruits from Louisiana. Carroll responded again by forming the Carroll Rebels, under the command of Captain A. J. Lott. On August 9, 1861, the 4th Battalian, Louisiana Infantry, Co. D [Carroll Rebels] were inducted into the Confederate Army.
Army demands continued, and Governor Moore, with a few volunteers left, announced on September 28, that all citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 were subject to militia duty. Later, Moore offered small bounties to boost the disappointing response. By December, 1861, a desperate Confederate government was offering a $50. Bounty for recruits to serve in the army.
In the first year of the war, Louisiana was very generous, fielding over 30,000 troops, with Carroll having volunteered 691 of its sons. The year 1862 opened with Union armies threatening Columbus, Kentucky. There was a great deal of excitement in Carroll, and T. C. Scarborough of Providence raised another company of volunteers. Inducted into the Confederacy as the [Pelican Rifles], 25th Louisiana Infantry, Co. K., they left almost immediately for Kentucky.
In response to the $50. Bounty offered by the Confederate government, a company of cavalry was formed in Carroll by Captain A. J. Lott, who was on detached duty from the Carroll Rebels. Known as the Carroll Dragoons, they were inducted into the service of the Confederacy on March 19, 1862.
Again, on April 12, another group of Carroll volunteers, the Confederate Defenders, was inducted into the Confederate Army as the 31st Louisiana, Co A, the group included E. J. Delony, George Burrus, John Hays, and A. N. McWilliams. The Briarfield Rebels [6th Battalian, Arkansas Cavalry, Co. D], a cavalry company formed in Carroll in 1862, fought in Tennessee and later in eastern Louisiana.
Governor Moore begged Jefferson Davis to send troops with which to defend the state, but to no avail. In desperation, Moore authorized the formation of the few remaining militia companies into Batavians of partisan rangers for state service. The companies of northeast Louisiana were combined to form the 13th Battalian, Partisan Rangers, under the command of Colonel Frank Bartlett.
By this time, the one-year term of enlistment for the men of the initial companies from Carroll had expired. Some re-enlisted, and some returned home. Captain W. C. Corbin, who had served with the Monticello Rifles in Arkansas and Missouri, was one of the returnees. Corbin raised another company from Carroll, and joined the 13th Battalian, as Co. B, and were stationed at Floyd. 13th Battalian, Co. C composed of men from Morehouse Parish, were stationed at Providence, under the command of Captain Jack McKoin. Also station in the northeast area were elements of Harrison’s 3rd Louisiana Cavalry, Co. E., which was garrisoned at Milliken’s Bend, under the command of Captain Harper.
There is a website that has wonderful research about these and other regimental/soldier history. You can find where the soldiers were buried by their surname.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Woman Civil War Soldier Dies of Small Pox at Lake Providence, March 22, 1863
1st Kansas Regiment
For years, researchers have been aware of a small blurb that appeared in an 1863 edition of the Poughkeepsie (NY)Telegraph. No author was given and while it raised periodic interest, without any author or secondary source, little merit was given to the possibility. The article.....
"The 1st Kansas regiment, of which I have spoken before, is encamped near us. One of the members of that regiment, a sergeant, died in the hospital two weeks ago. (disease was small pox) After death his comrades discovered that their companion, by the side of whom they had marched and fought for almost two years, was a woman. You may imagine their surprise at the discovery. I went to the hospital and saw the body after it was prepared for burial, and made some inquiries about her. She was of rather more than average size for a woman, with rather strongly marked features, so that with the aid of a man's attire she had quite a masculine look. She enlisted in the regiment after they went to Missouri and consequently they knew nothing of her early history. She probably served under an assumed name. She was in the battle of Springfield, where Gen. Lyon was killed, and has fought in a dozen battles and skirmishes. She always sustained an excellent reputation, both as a man and a soldier, and the men all speak of her in terms of respect and admiration. She was as brave as a lion in battle and never flinched from any duty or hardships that fell to her lot. She must have been very shrewd to have lived in the regiment so long and preserved her secret so well. Poor girl! She was worthy of a better fate. Who knows what grief, trouble or persecution induced her to embrace such a life?"
What gave this segment legitimacy to some, was the nature of the article. As can be seen above, the author shows sympathy and admiration, without judgment to her or her fellow male soldiers. For years, the article remained forgotten.
Among the many incidents which are constantly occurring in our camp there is one of more than ordinary interest and I will relate it to you. One of the members of the 1st Kansas Regt. died in the hospital yesterday after a very short illness. After death the somewhat startling discovery was made by those who were preparing the body for burial, that their companion, besides whom they had marched and fought for nearly two years, was a woman.
“You can imagine their astonishment. The Regt is camped near us, and I went to the hospital and saw her. She was of pretty good size for a woman, with rather masculine features. She must have been very shrewd to have kept her secret so long when she was surrounded by several hundred men. The 1st Kansas was one of the first regiments tt entered the service two years ago. This girl enlisted after they went to Missouri, so they knew nothing of her early history. She doubtless served under an assumed name. Poor girl! Who knows what trouble, grief, or persecution drove her to embrace all the hardship's of a soldiers life. She had always sustained an excellent reputation in the Regiment. She was brave as a lion in battle and never flinched from the severest fatigues or the hardship duties. She had been in more than a dozen battles and skirmishes. She was a sergeant when she died. The men in the company all speak of her in terms of respect and affection. She would have been promoted to a Lieutenancy in few days if she had lived."
From this letter, dated April 6, 1863, Blanton and Cook had identified the woman soldier as Sgt Alfred J Luther, who records showed died of disease in Providence, LA 22 March 1863. The author, who is obviously the Poughkeepsie Telegraph's correspondent, was Lt Frederick Haywood, section leader for the First Minnesota Artillery. Military records show the following. Alfred J Luther joined the 1st Kansas Infantry 30 May 1861, and reached the rank of Corporal before the Wilson's Creek battle. Newspaper accounts list Corporal Luther among the wounded (slightly) of this battle. On 1 May 1862, Luther was promoted to sergeant. According to National Archive records, no member of Luther's family ever filed for a military pension after the war. Update - 8/21/2007 - Thanks to Pat Millett of the Vicksburg National Battlefield Convention and Visitors Center - "Sgt. Alfred J. Luther, who enlisted in Co. A, 1st Kansas, is buried in the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery in Section K, grave # 5971".
A Notice in the Local Paper
The Ole Bruin, Killed by Billy Alexander
Friday, July 3, 2009
Diary of a Soldier When Stationed at Lake Providence, La.

Richard Martin, aged 21 years, of Ireland, left there in September 1851 for America. He landed in New York. He worked at weaving for Jason Miller who was his future wife's brother-in-law. He married Barbara Ann Leggett on April 1, 1858, at the same time as her sister Eliza was married to Joseph Duft in Illinois. His family moved to Iowa in 1872 were he did farm work, as he had done in Ireland. And then retired and moved to Farragut Iowa in 1895. His wife died 1 month and 27 days before him, on May 9, 1924 at the age of 94 years old, probably of grief.
The following is a transcript of Richard Martin's diary he carried through the Civil War. The spelling is his, which makes it difficult to establish what some of the names mentioned actually were.
1 overcoat $7.20 1 dress coat 6.71 1 cap .63 1 pair pants 3.63 2 shirts 1.76 2 pair drawers 1.49 2 pair socks .52 1 blanket 2.95 1 hat 1.60 amount 23.80 13
October 1862 (someone's name I think) brought in a nigger and a mule.
(skipped down to L. P. stuff)
Monday, Feb 23rd, 1863 ~ Landed at Lake Providance. Move up the lake about 4 miles.
Tuesday February 24th 1863 ~ Putting up our camps about 4 miles up the lake. Nothing speshul (special).
Saturday 28th ~ I started to work on the bioo (bayou)
Sunday March 1st 1863 ~ Come in to camp off the bioo
Thursday 5th ~ Was on picket on the bioo Louisiana
Tuesday March 10 1863 ~ Writing a letter
Wednesday 11th ~ Recieved a letter
Thursday 12th ~ Wrote a letter home
Saturday 14th ~ Sent home a coat
Sunday 15th ~ Got a bord (on board) of the Henry (boat). Nothing speshul
Monday 16th ~ Lay on the river at Lake Providance. Left the river into the lake at sundown.
Tuesday 17th ~ Moved up the river from Lake Providence about 5 miles
Wednesday 18th ~ The boys are fixing their tents and cleaning
March 19th, 1863 ~ Friday 20th Got a letter
Sunday 22nd ~ Wrote home to my folks
Monday 23rd ~ Heard hevvy firing toward Vicksburg
Tuesday 24th ~ Got a letter
Wednesday 25th ~ Ansered it home
Thursday 26th ~ The brigade band got here this morning
Friday 27th ~ Nothing speshul
Saturday 28th ~Got new endfield guns today
Sunday 29th ~ Cold and disagreeable
Monday 30th ~ Still cold
Tuesday 31st ~ Writing home
Wednesday April 1st 1863 ~ Got a letter
Thursday 2nd ~ Nothing speshul
Friday 3rd ~ Wrote a letter home to my wife
Saturday 4th ~ Singed the payrol and James H. Whalley died
Sunday 5th ~ The boys went down to Lake Providence to burry James H. Whalley
Monday 6th ~ Recieved a letter from my wife. George Jarmen got to the regment. All the capts and lieuts standing brig guard
Tuesday 7th ~ 100 men firing up the camp
Wednesday 8th ~ On picket at the ferry landing. Adjutent General Thomas of the United States was here to comishon (commission) officers for a nigger regment. Made a speech.
Saturday April 11, 1863 ~ Got paid 2 months pay 52 dollars. Sent home 45 dollars.
Sunday 12th ~ Wrote a letter home about sending the money $45 with Mr. Fosket. On camp guard.
Monday 13th ~ Hurlbuts divishion went down the river. 12 boat lodes (loads).
Tuesday 14th ~ Oficers of the 20th on guard duty.
Wednesday 15th ~ Rober More (Robert Moore) has got his discharge
Thursday 16th ~ Robert More left Perries landing (Perry's) for home. He sent the money by express. Stephensons brigade (Stevenson's Brigade) went down river.
Friday 17th ~ 5 gunboats is reported in to run the blockage and 2 transports at Vicksburg heard hevvy canonading last night.
Sunday 19th ~ Got down to Milligens Bend (Milliken's Bend). Marched about a mile out west and camped. Had to tie up the boat on acount of a rain storm on the night of the 18th.
Monday 20th ~ Moved our tents twice. Some of the boys got new jackets. Dug a well.
Tuesday 21st ~ Maild a letter Tues morning. Was out on batalion drill. William McPherson and I bricked a well. Got a letter from home.
Wednesday 22nd ~ Had grand review. Govorner Yeats (Governor Yeates) was here. 2 men taken out of our regt to run the blockade. There wer 70 last night taken out of A and B, 21 out of our co.
Thursday 23 ~ Wrote a letter home. Copper went to run the blockade. Came back alright.
Friday 24th ~ Two brothers of the Young Mens Christian Assosiation visited our brigade today. Distributed bym books and other religious reding. Marsh has gone home and Colonal Smith comans the brigad. There names are Randels and Brunell.
Saturday 25th ~ Got marching orders. Left camp about 10 or 11 oc. Marched to Richmond about 14 miles. Pretty warm. Collonel Howes horse hurt."
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
East Carroll Tournament Of Oct. 29, 1889