Banner Democrat Newspaper
Saturday, July 22, 1899
Canton, Ky., July 4, 1899. Mr. Editor: -- My object in writing you is to find out if some of my old comrades are yet in the land of the living. I went out with Company II, 3rd La. Volunteers, and our company was known as the Monticello Rifles, J. S. Richards, Captain; D. Hardeman, 1st Lieut.; C. A. Hedrick, 2nd Lieut.; William Corbin, 3rd Lieut. I have forgotten our orderly sergeant, but he was a good old man, and I think was discharged during the first year of the war. Then H. B. Briggs was made orderly, and served in that capacity until we stacked arms at Vicksburg, thirty-nine years ago to-day. Mr. Briggs was a native of the State of New York, and was as good a soldier as ever fired a gun; but I think our company was made up of as good material as could be found anywhere; officers and men were brave and fearless. I would be glad to hear from some of them. I am an old man now; will be sixty-four years old on the 11th of August, if I should live to that time. It has been so long since I lived in your parish that I have forgotten the names of a great many persons. I am a native of Kentucky, and went to Floyd in 1858, and did business in that place with my brother-in-law, G.M. Langford, and knew a great many people. If I could I would pay dear old Carroll a visit before I die. I had but one sister, and she sleeps on a mound two miles below Floyd, on what was then known as the Creed Motley place, but I will never be able to visit the spot. I know everybody would be strangers now; but if I could see the Lotts, the DeFrance's, the Cheatham's, Draughn, the Montgomery's, the Wyly's Roberts, Delony, Darden, Hanagan's, and a host of other good people, it would be a very great pleasure to me in my old age. Hoping this will be the means of finding some of my old friends,
I am respectfully, J.A. HUMPHRIES.
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